Watch: Samsung phone explodes in man's pocket

Watch: Samsung phone explodes in man's pocket

Watch: Samsung phone explodes in man's pocket

NEW DELHI: Another video of a Samsung smartphone exploding has gone viral on social media. And mind you, the device this time is not the ill-famed Galaxy Note 7 but Samsung Grand Duos. 

According to a report in Daily Mail, 47-year-old hotel supervisor Yulianto was waiting in the lobby of his hotel in Indonesia when he suddenly felt a heating senasation in his breast pocket. "When he reached for his pocket it suddenly exploded, setting his shirt alight and sending sparks across the room," says the report. 

As soon as Yulianto touched his pocket, the phone (Samsung Grand Duos) exploded with flames almost reaching his face. Yulianto told Daily Mail that he panicked and quickly took off his shirt.

The incident happened on September 30 in the lobby of Hotel Ciputra Semarang, Indonesia. It was recorded in the hotel's CCTV. Samsung launched Grand Duos in 2013.

One of the reasons cited for phone catching fire is simultaneous use of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS. The Indonesian police is said to be further investigating the matter.

When the local media contacted Samsung, the company said that consumer safety is their priority and they will provide all the necessary support.

Last year, Samsung faced tough time after it had to recall its phablet flagship Galaxy Note 7 after incidents of its battery explosion. It was reported that the there were two battery issues that caused Galaxy Note 7 to catch fire. While the first one was related to batteries made by Samsung's SDI division, the second was related to batteries sourced from Amperex Technology, a third-party battery supplier.

Video credit NewsAsia
