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 top most dangerous country in the world

it may feel as if the whole world is a dangerous place right now, after 2016 saw swathes of terror attacks right across Europe.
These included mass shootings in Turkey and a lorry ploughing into a German market just before Christmas in Berlin.
However, some countries are much worse than others when it comes to danger levels. The Global Peace Index (GPI), which is compiled annually by the Institute for Economics and Peace, lists the countries that are the most – and least – peaceful.
Based on GPI’s findings, here are 10 of the most dangerous countries in 2017.

10. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

DPRK, otherwise known as North Korea, is listed as the least peaceful country in the Asia-Pacific area on the GPI. In its annual report, human rights charity Amnesty International said of the country: “North Koreans continued to suffer denial and violations of almost every aspect of their human rights. Authorities continue to arbitrarily arrest and detain individuals without fair trial or access to lawyers and family, including nationals of South Korea. 
“Households, particularly those with members suspected of having fled the country or trying to access outside information, remained under systematic surveillance. 
“Little progress has been made in addressing cases of abductions and enforced disappearances of foreign nationals.”
Most dangerous countries mapEXPRESS
Mapped: These are the top 10 most dangerous countries
Some countries are much worse than others when it comes to danger levels

9. Pakistan

Listed as having a “very low” state of peace by the GPI, Pakistan has endured much internal conflict. Armed groups continued to carry out targeted attacks against civilians last year, including health workers and civilians affiliated with the government, according to Amnesty International. Executions were resumed following a Pakistani Taliban-led attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar in December 2014, and more than 300 executions were recorded in the last year. 
Enforced disappearances continue with impunity, with bodies being found later bearing what appear to be bullet wounds and torture marks.
In addition, women and girls continue to face violence and threats.

8. Democratic Republic of Congo

Many of the most dangerous countries listed are in the continent of Africa – the Middle East and North African regions have become significantly less peaceful in 2016 according to the GPI. The Democratic Republic of Congo has been beset by issues over the last year – attempts by President Kabila to run for presidency beyond the two terms allowed by the Constitution led to protests, which were then repressed by the Congolese Government. 
Violations of the rights to freedoms of expression, association and peaceful assembly increased, according to Amnesty International. 
In the east, numerous armed groups perpetrated serious abuses of human rights. The Congolese army and UN peacekeeping force MONUSCO failed to protect the civilian population, leading to a high death toll and mass displacements.

7. Central African Republic

The Central African Republic has been volatile since it gained independence from France back in 1960.
With one of the world's poorest populations, it was plunged into turmoil in 2013 when Muslim rebels seized power in what is a majority Christian country. 
In 2014, they handed power to a transitional government in response to international pressure, but this was followed by months of violence.
The Central African Republic is going through an internationally supervised transition with a constitutional referendum, plus presidential and parliamentary elections – but the country is still in turmoil, with thousands of people displaced.

6. Sudan

Another African country, Sudan, has been beset by violence.
According to Human Rights Watch, Government forces have committed serious attacks against civilians in the last two years, including widespread killings, rape and destruction of property, in the conflicts in Darfur, South Kordofan, and Blue Nile states. 
Sudanese authorities restricted civil society and independent media, and suppressed protests and demonstrations. 

5. Somalia

Ranked as the 159th least peaceful country out of 163 in the GPI, Somalia is suffering from extreme drought conditions that have left thousands of Somalis facing severe food and water shortages, according to a United Nations report issued on 17 January 2017. 
Overall, some five million people are in need of relief and over three million people lack access to emergency health services and require improved access to water, sanitation and hygiene.
“Immediate support is required to prevent a significant deterioration of the humanitarian situation,” said Peter de Clercq, the humanitarian coordinator for Somalia.

4. Iraq

Five years after US troops withdrew from Iraq, the human rights situation continues to deteriorate. Government security forces, government-allied militias and the armed group Islamic State (IS) committed war crimes and human rights abuses in 2016, according to Amnesty International. 
Government forces carried out indiscriminate attacks on areas under IS control, and committed extrajudicial executions. IS forces carried out mass execution-style killings and abductions, including abductions of women and girls for sexual slavery. 
Courts continued to impose death sentences, mostly on terrorism charges; dozens of executions were carried out.
